In looking over some of my previous top 5s, I realized that I typically focus on the best things, which is pretty much expected for something called a Top 5. So, today, I thought it might be a bit of fun to rant about just the opposite - the Worst 5 of something so to speak. And since I've been enjoying leveling my dwarf paladin and orc shaman when not raiding BWL, I've been rudely reminded of some terribad quests that exist in Classic.
So, that's what we're going to talk about today: My Top 5 Worst Classic Quests.
Let's get started.
#5 - A Solvent Spirit
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Screw these lobster dudes... |
First off, this is one of those underwater quests for the most part, as that's where most of the crabs and all of the lobster guys are, so that's already annoying enough. But it gets worse - the drop rate of the mucus and eyes is HORRENDOUS. Sure, wowhead might say it's around 30% or whatever, but I can personally attest to having had to grind these sons of bitches for over an hour, which just shouldn't happen on a level 8 quest!
Sure it's not the worst quest in the game, but I hate A Solvent Spirit. But hey, at least the Really Sticky Glue was a nice reward, right?
#4 - Deep Ocean, Vast Sea
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Looks easy, right? |
Oh, if only it were so simple...
No, the ships you have to swim down into to collect the lockboxes from are absolutely SWARMING with murlocs. And not just any murlocs either, murlocs that can apparently see through walls and will eat your face faster than your shitty little aquatic form can help flail away through the water.
So...yeah, this quest sucks. And I'm pretty glad that I haven't had a reason to attempt it in Classic yet.
#3 - Mok'thardin's Enchantment
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1.9% Drop Rate? Good luck! |
It starts off simple enough, as all these quests do: kill some panthers and tigers to collect claws and a fang. The claws are pretty easy to collect - dropping from Shadowmaw Panthers that you'd normally kill for Hemit Nesingwary anyway. The Pristine Tigress Fang, however, is another story entirely - dropping only from Stranglethorn Tigresses at a measly 6% drop rate (and even THAT sounds too high to me). Be prepared to kill nothing but cats for the next 3 hours of your life...
But anyway, you get the fang! Woo! The worst is over, right? Nope! Go get some raptor feathers! Well...that wasn't so bad, actually. Maybe I'm done now...
Nope! Kill gorillas for the rest of your time in STV to find an Aged Gorilla Sinew! Less than 2% drop rate! That oughta keep you occupied for the next 3 days!
Seriously, screw this quest chain. I'm ok with some grinding, but sub 10% drop rates on quest items back to back is no bueno...
#2 - The Beacon Quests (All 3 of them)
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It's just a simple escort, right? |
The quests themselves are pretty straightforward - loot an item, find the robotic chicken, then escort it to a large open space where it can takeoff (because it can fly, obviously). The actual escort, however, is the biggest pain in the ass ever conceived. Though the chickens have a clear and set path, they aggro literally EVERYTHING near that path. And as if the massive aggro range isn't bad enough, each of these three escort events has set points where groups of between 2-4 mobs will spawn and start attacking both the chicken and you. So if you thought you could solo this at the appropriate level, think again!
But, in my opinion, the worst part of these three quests isn't the mobs or the aggro range - it's the freaking blazing saddles speed at which the chickens run ahead. Seriously, why can't we take a mana break for like 10 seconds after pulling everything in a 30 yard radius AND having 4 mobs spawn and attack us?!!!?!?!??!?!
Needless to say, I hate all three of these damn chicken escorts...but not as much as I hate the number 1 quest on this list! But first, some dishonorable mentions, just for good measure...
Dishonorable Mentions
Bloody Bone Necklaces - So many gd trolls die for this quest that it isn't even funny.Verog the Dervish - Just how many fucking centaur do I have to kill before he spawns?
The Messenger Quests in Lakeshire - Because I'm not a goddamn mailman!
#1 - The Horde Onyxia Attunement
Ok so...this might be super unexpected, especially after I praised the hell out of the Alliance's Ony attunement chain, but GOD DAMN the Horde's questline is awful. First off, you can't even start this chain until around level 58, as the very first quest involves running Lower Blackrock Spire. Then, after finishing that admittedly straightforward quest, you're tasked with going back to Upper Blackrock Spire to kill Rend - meaning after running all the way back to Orgrimmar you have to get back to UBRS - hopefully with someone who has actually assembled the damn Seal of Ascension.
Ok, to be fair, this isn't all that bad for Classic. But hold on, it gets a LOT worse...
After finishing the first portion and turning in Rend's head, which triggers a much sought-after world buff that only Horde gets, you get the super-fun task of tracking down Rexxar somewhere in Desolace.
If you play Horde, you've probably noticed that there is literally someone asking where Rexxar is at least 3 times every hour in LFG chat. This is because his patrol around Desolace and Feralas is absolutely massive and he could be anywhere at any point. Luckily, you'll have a mount by the time you do this quest, so it's not as bad as leveling in Desolace, but still...screw finding this guy, alright?
Anyway after talking with him, you end up having to go all the way across the map to the Western Plaguelands, then back into UBRS to collect dragon eyes. If there's ANYONE else on the quest in your group, good luck getting enough eyes in one run! They drop 2 at a time and only one person can loot them from any given mob, so you might have to run it more than once to get all 20 needed.
But you know, that's still not too bad if I'm being honest. The worst part is yet to come.
After collecting a bunch of eyes and finding Rexxar again, you need to find and talk to some dragon in Dustwallow Marsh, who tasks you with finding and killing 3 unique drakes in different corners of the world. Because that's how everyone wants to spend their evening - putting together a raid group to run around the entire world map to kill 3 mobs. Then, to make matters worse, you have to go BACK to Dustwallow Marsh, back to that dragon in the cave to turn in those 3 quests before you can pick up ANOTHER quest to go and kill a dragon in the fucking Wetlands!
So, you get over to Hammerfall, run down into the marshes to the south, get to Grim Batol and pray to god that Axtroz isn't bugged. Oh yeah as if running all over the place and killing random named dragons everywhere isn't bad enough, the quest itself is bugged to hell - with the skull very often not showing up on the corpse for one or more people on the quest! This literally happened to me FOUR TIMES.
Now I know what you're thinking - "Maybe you didn't have the right Test of Skulls quest." But no, I had done the 3 drakes, gone back to the Marsh, and had picked up Test of Skulls - Axtroz. It was all for naught and I had to abandon the quest after joining two different raid groups and pulling several of my guildies in to help me finish it. Luckily, someone re-shared the quest after I dropped it and I was able to loot the skull after disabling ALL my addons and picking up the quest, but it literally made no sense.
Anyway, yeah, I've got a bit of a personal vendetta against this quest chain, but hell, it's my list and I'm sticking to it. Fuck the Horde Ony attunement quest. I much prefer Jailbreak!
Oh, and after you finally finish all the drake quests, you have to go find Rexxar again, do UBRS a 3rd time, and get the Drakefire Amulet by finding Rexxar a fucking fourth time for good measure. GG Blizz. GG...
Ok, to be fair, this isn't all that bad for Classic. But hold on, it gets a LOT worse...
After finishing the first portion and turning in Rend's head, which triggers a much sought-after world buff that only Horde gets, you get the super-fun task of tracking down Rexxar somewhere in Desolace.
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He could be ANYWHERE along that path...and more... |
Anyway after talking with him, you end up having to go all the way across the map to the Western Plaguelands, then back into UBRS to collect dragon eyes. If there's ANYONE else on the quest in your group, good luck getting enough eyes in one run! They drop 2 at a time and only one person can loot them from any given mob, so you might have to run it more than once to get all 20 needed.
But you know, that's still not too bad if I'm being honest. The worst part is yet to come.
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Here's Emberstrife... |
So, you get over to Hammerfall, run down into the marshes to the south, get to Grim Batol and pray to god that Axtroz isn't bugged. Oh yeah as if running all over the place and killing random named dragons everywhere isn't bad enough, the quest itself is bugged to hell - with the skull very often not showing up on the corpse for one or more people on the quest! This literally happened to me FOUR TIMES.
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A drake without a skull...apparently... |
Anyway, yeah, I've got a bit of a personal vendetta against this quest chain, but hell, it's my list and I'm sticking to it. Fuck the Horde Ony attunement quest. I much prefer Jailbreak!
Oh, and after you finally finish all the drake quests, you have to go find Rexxar again, do UBRS a 3rd time, and get the Drakefire Amulet by finding Rexxar a fucking fourth time for good measure. GG Blizz. GG...
Final Thoughts
So, yeah, there you have it - just a few of the worst quests Classic has to offer. Interestingly, I actually had quite a challenge thinking of quests to fill this list with, as the game has so many really interesting ones that are much more memorable. But, as you can tell, there's still some crap mixed in among all the gems... Obviously, it goes without saying that these are all my opinion, and I'm sure that there are many other terrible quests in the game. So, if you think I missed any terrible quests, or if you have your own Worst 5, let me know by leaving a comment down below.
Anyway though, that's it for today. If you liked this post and would like to see more, feel free to add yourself to my mailing list below, so you don't miss out on any other posts in the future. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for updates on new content, and check out my videos over on YouTube if you prefer to watch this type of content instead. Have an awesome day, good luck with your questing adventures, and as always...
Take it easy!
Anyway though, that's it for today. If you liked this post and would like to see more, feel free to add yourself to my mailing list below, so you don't miss out on any other posts in the future. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for updates on new content, and check out my videos over on YouTube if you prefer to watch this type of content instead. Have an awesome day, good luck with your questing adventures, and as always...
Take it easy!
Min endeløse ros går til denne dybe charmer, der er værd at efterligne. Tak doktor. Hej gutter, jeg hedder Donna 38. Jeg bor i San Francisco-bugten i Californien. Mit følelsesmæssige liv tog en stor drejning og er blevet velsignet, siden jeg blev henvist til ham af en familieven, der blev søster, smerten var så uudholdelig, det traumatiserede mig, fordi jeg havde smerter, havde urolige nætter, der næsten gjorde mig elendig for omkring et år før mit møde med Dr. Egwali, der hjalp med at genoplive det, jeg troede var væk. Tro i første omgang var jeg også i vantro på grund af mine forskellige møder med en række spellcastere og hjemmesider, alt sammen på vej til at bringe min yndige mand tilbage til mig, jeg har altid været stærk og vidste, at der måtte være et pålideligt sted at hjælpe mit eget ægteskabelige traume for det bragte faktisk så meget kaos. Kathy fandt Dr. Egwalis artikel og gav mig den, jeg kontaktede ham og forklarede, hvad jeg gik igennem, han sagde, at han var nødt til at udføre visse ritualer, hvoraf alle de nødvendige procedurer blev fulgt, lige siden disse ritualer blev gjort, har vores liv været så farverig, han har siden været min ideelle mand og kærlige over for mig og vores børn .. Tak igen læge, du kan slutte dig til ham på et hvilket som helst af disse medier og være en lykkelig sjæl, da jeg håber at finde held!
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