Monday, February 3, 2020

Top 5 - Overlooked Healer Items

Hey dudes. Silvite Soltis here with another top 5 post for you!

Over the past couple of months of raiding and getting back into my regular content creation, I've been looking over a lot of items in WoW Classic. And though there are a ton of great items that everyone knows about, thanks to the prevalence of Best-in-Slot lists, I've also noticed that there are many items that get forgotten - despite being nearly as good as other items!

So today, that's what we're going to take a look at - my Top 5 Overlooked Healer Items in WoW Classic. Just to be clear, I'm mostly focusing on pre-raid items that rarely (if ever) get mentioned and that can be more easily obtained than the pre-raid BiS counterparts. I'll also try to only mention a slot once, as to make this top 5 more informative for healers looking for particular slots. Finally, I'm only including items that ALL healers can utilize, so expect a bit of cloth to be mentioned. But anyway, with those disclaimers out of the way, let's get right into it!

#5 - Archlight Talisman (Neck)

Alright so, as healers we all know that we're probably going to run Strat Undead about a million times to try and get some great items. However, if you have terrible luck like a couple of my guildmates, you may never see the Animated Chain Necklace drop. So, what can you do?

Well, luckily, there's a quest reward that is completely RNG free and has decent stats for healers: the Archlight Talisman from the Battle of Darrowshire quest chain.

Now, I know that it doesn't compare at all to the awesome necklace from Strat, but let's face it - RNGeesus hates some people. And though it has no +healing on it, the stats it does have could be the difference between life and death in some fights. Sure, you have to get a raid together to finish the final portion of the quest chain, but again, it's a guaranteed reward that you can get for free even before you hit 60 if desired.

But if you ARE dead set on running Strat a couple hundred times for your neck, there are a few more underrated items you should definitely keep an eye out for...

#4 - Dungeon Set Pieces (Bracers, Belts, Legs, and Boots)

At number 4, we've got a three-for: the dungeon set bracers, belts, and legs. Since healers are constantly going to want to run Strat Undead for their Animated Chain Necklace, Robes of the Exalted, and other amazing items, they may come across these items along the way. Though the bracers and belts are random trash drops, and only a few of them even drop in Strat Undead, they are BoE and can usually be found on the auction house for fairly cheap. The best ones for healers are definitely the clothy ones - Dreadmist, Magister's, and Devout - due to their balance of intellect, stamina, and spirit. However, the other sets may be useful depending on your class.

When it comes to the legs, however, the odds of getting something decent are definitely in your favor here. Baron Rivendare always drops one of the nine set legs, so depending on your healer, you could potentially get a decent pair of pants in just a few runs while trying to scoop up your BiS neck and robes. Of course, the Devout Skirt isn't anywhere near as popular as Senior Designer's Pantaloons, or good for that matter, but if you need pants or pure stats, the dungeon legs are a pretty safe bet.

#3 - Green 'Of Healing' Items (Especially Wands/Offhands)

Dragon Finger of Healing is AWESOME!
Next up on this list is the often overlooked, highly underrated green 'of Healing' items. Though I'm not personally a big fan of having a giant +healing number with no stats, these items can be invaluable when you just can't get a drop. And for some slots - like the priest wand - they are just downright Best in Slot for a long time.

When I was nearly 60, I bought a bunch of these items and had them ready in my bank for when I made the swap over to healing. And though I didn't end up needing all of them, they provided a much-needed backup plan for slots when gear just didn't want to drop in dungeons. What's more, I actually continued using a Mystical Orb of Healing (+31 Healing) until I got Benediction only a couple of weeks ago. And still use my Dragon Finger of Healing (+18 Healing) even now going into Blackwing Lair.

So, keep an eye on the auction house for these when they pop up. You might just be able to fill an elusive slot with a good chunk of +heals!

#2 - Eye of the Beast (Trinket)

Alrighty, in the number 2 slot we've got the trinket that all casters should most definitely have if they plan on raiding at all in Classic - the all-too-common, but often overlooked, Eye of the Beast trinket from the Horde Onyxia attunement quest, and the Alliance quest General Drakkisath's Demise.

In the world of min-maxing that we are currently playing in, most healers opt for trinkets with healing or spell power such as the Dire Maul trinkets, Second Wind, Burst of Knowledge, or Briarwood Reed. However, since this item is both guaranteed (as it's a quest reward) AND provides a solid 2% spell crit for damaging and healing spells, it shouldn't be underestimated.  I can't count the number of times that a quick Power Word: Shield and Flash Heal crit combo has saved my tanks from utter annihilation.

Sure, more +healing is always great, but critical heals are also badass, in my opinion. And that's why this awesome trinket is up here at number 2.

#1 - Dreamweave Set (Head, Gloves, Chest)

The Dreamweave Set is, without a doubt, the most commonly overlooked bunch of healer items in Classic, despite it actually being fantastic for healers and caster dps alike. These three items - the Circlet, Gloves, and Vest - are all cloth (meaning all healers can use them), have 18 or more spell damage and healing, and can be equipped as early as level 40 (the helm, 45). The mats to craft them are all relatively cheap, and you can typically find them on the auction house for anywhere from 3-10 gold per piece, depending on your server's economy. Really, they're just awesome items that healers should definitely consider picking up as they approach level 60.

Look, in a perfect world, healers will all get a Cassandra's Grace, Hands of the Exalted Herald, and Robes of the Exalted before stepping into Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair. Unfortunately, the world isn't perfect. And while there are tons of other pieces of loot that healers could obtain instead of those Pre-Raid BiS items once they reach level 60, the fact of the matter is that these three items remain really solid up until raid gear is obtained. Personally, I'm still using the Circlet and Gloves to this day, 3 months after crafting them in the first place. They're cheap, easy to craft, and just all-around wonderful items for healers to use.

And that's why I had to place them here, at number 1...

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it: my top 5 overlooked healer items in WoW Classic. Though none of these items are quite as good as their BiS counterparts, I can definitely say that they're still quite good and can provide you healers with a nice alternative to no-lifing in dungeons before stepping into raids. Of course, if you want to be the best of the best, like no one ever was, you can do that, but with BWL just around the corner, it's only going to get easier to get into MC and Ony to collect those sweet sweet purples. So...why not just get some decent gear instead?

Anway, that's it for today. If you liked this list, or have any other pre-raid healer items that you think I should've included here, let me know by leaving a comment down below. I read every one. If you'd like to see more content like this in the future, add yourself to my mailing list down below, or follow me on Facebook and Twitter for updates. Check out my videos over on YouTube, if you prefer video content over written words, and be sure to subscribe while you're at it!

Thanks again for reading. Have an awesome day, and as always...

Take it easy!

1 comment:

  1. Min endeløse ros går til denne dybe charmer, der er værd at efterligne. Tak doktor. Hej gutter, jeg hedder Donna 38. Jeg bor i San Francisco-bugten i Californien. Mit følelsesmæssige liv tog en stor drejning og er blevet velsignet, siden jeg blev henvist til ham af en familieven, der blev søster, smerten var så uudholdelig, det traumatiserede mig, fordi jeg havde smerter, havde urolige nætter, der næsten gjorde mig elendig for omkring et år før mit møde med Dr. Egwali, der hjalp med at genoplive det, jeg troede var væk. Tro i første omgang var jeg også i vantro på grund af mine forskellige møder med en række spellcastere og hjemmesider, alt sammen på vej til at bringe min yndige mand tilbage til mig, jeg har altid været stærk og vidste, at der måtte være et pålideligt sted at hjælpe mit eget ægteskabelige traume for det bragte faktisk så meget kaos. Kathy fandt Dr. Egwalis artikel og gav mig den, jeg kontaktede ham og forklarede, hvad jeg gik igennem, han sagde, at han var nødt til at udføre visse ritualer, hvoraf alle de nødvendige procedurer blev fulgt, lige siden disse ritualer blev gjort, har vores liv været så farverig, han har siden været min ideelle mand og kærlige over for mig og vores børn .. Tak igen læge, du kan slutte dig til ham på et hvilket som helst af disse medier og være en lykkelig sjæl, da jeg håber at finde held!

    Viber / WhatsApp: +2348122948392
