Thursday, February 28, 2019

Picking a Race/Class in Classic WoW - A Simplified Guide by Silvite Soltis

Hey dudes. It's Silvite Soltis here again today for another fun post.

Recently, I've been noticing a plethora of guides on YouTube and posts on Reddit, Facebook groups, and the like discussing what race/class combination to play. Most of the time, the guides seem to focus on what makes each combination better suited for which roles, and while it's pretty obvious that some choices are just generally better than others, I felt like it would be fun to make my own guide, just to help those of you that are struggling to choose a main for Classic.

So get ready. Here's Silvite Soltis's 3-step guide to picking a race and class in World of Warcraft: Classic.

Step 1 - Pick a Faction
Red or Blue. Choose one. Both sides crap-talk the other, so really it doesn't matter which one you choose. If you went Alliance back in the day, try Horde. Or don't! It's 100% up to you whether you want to try something new or not this time around. Remember to find out what side your friends and/or family are rolling though, as you'll probably want to play with them at some point...or kill them. Whatever, I won't judge...

Step 2 - Pick a Class
I say pick a class next simply because it limits what races to choose from. I won't go into much detail on each class here, mostly because guides like that have been done to death. Instead, I'll just offer the following role guide:
Tanks - Warrior
Healers - Priest, Paladin, Shaman, Druid
Melee DPS - Warrior, Rogue
Ranged DPS - Mage, Warlock, Hunter
If you like ranged, but hate spellcasters go hunter. If you want to tank, go warrior. If you want to heal, go priest, druid, pally, or shaman - depending on how squishy you like being and what faction you picked. If you're an asshole or love heavy metal, roll rogue or warlock (respectively). And if you like AoE and being asked for favors constantly, go mage.

Step 3 - Pick a Race
Based on the class you chose in step 2, your options here are limited. Look at what races can be the class you selected and choose the one that you think looks cooler. Easy.

Step 4 - When in Doubt...
Roll a Troll Priest.

Honestly, all the min-maxers will probably have a field day with this, but honestly, unless you're planning on investing 16 hours/day in your character to blaze to 60 and go full on no-life raiding or PVP in WoW Classic, you really don't need to get the full potential out of your character. Every race/class combo is viable and can complete the content eventually. But do remember that not all specs are viable for high-end raiding, so stick to the roles outlined if you want to be included.

At the end of the day though, Classic is all about having fun, so play what you want and boo to what anyone says about it.

The end.

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